[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'FileUtil' (#lazutils)


Indicates whether the specified file name uses a recognized Pascal file extension.


Source position: fileutil.pas line 64

function FilenameHasPascalExt(

  const Filename: string





File name examined in the routine.

Function result

True when the file name uses a recognized Pascal file extension.


FilenameHasPascalExt is a Boolean function used to determine if the file name in the Filename argument uses a file extension recognized as a Pascal source code file. The CompareText routine is called to perform a case-insensitive comparison between the value in Filename and the recognized file extensions.

The return value is True when Filename has one of the following file extensions:

The return value is False if Filename does not have a file extension, or the extension does not match the preceding values.

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