[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'Laz2_DOM' (#lazutils)


Provides access to the list of Child nodes for the current node.


Source position: laz2_dom.pas line 266

public property TDOMNode.ChildNodes : TDOMNodeList
  read GetChildNodes;


ChildNodes is a read-only TDOMNodeList property used to provide access to the child nodes for the current DOM node. Reading the value in ChildNodes causes a TDOMNodeList to be created using the DOM tree in OwnerDocument. The list contains any DOM nodes found in OwnerDocument immediately below the current DOM node. If there are no child nodes for the current node, the list has a Length (or Count - they contain the same data) of 0 (zero). Use HasChildNodes to determine if the ChildNodes property contains any DOM nodes.

Remark: While ChildNodes is specified in TDOMNode, actually support for the list of child nodes is implemented in the TDOMNode_WithChildren descendant.

See also



DOM Document that created the DOM node.



Indicates if the DOM node has child nodes.



Implements an ordered list of DOM Nodes.



Extends TDOMNode to allocate storage for child nodes.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home