[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'Laz2_DOM' (#lazutils)


Detaches the specified child node from the DOM sub-tree for the node.


Source position: laz2_dom.pas line 281

public function TDOMNode.DetachChild(

  OldChild: TDOMNode

):TDOMNode; virtual;




DOM Node to locate in the DOM sub-tree.

Function result

The DOM Node detached in the method.


DetachChild is a TDOMNode function used to detach a specified child node from the DOM sub-tree for the current node. OldChild is the DOM node to remove from the DOM sub-tree. The return value contains the detached DOM node.

TDOMNode specifies the DetachChild method, but does not provide physical storage for child nodes. As a result, it always raises an EDOMNotFound exception in the method. DetachChild must be re-implemented in a descendent class as required for other DOM Node specializations.

See also



Detached the specified DOM node from the sub-tree.



Node type for the DOM Node.

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