[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'Laz2_DOM' (#lazutils)


Indicates if the DOM node has attribute names and values.


Source position: laz2_dom.pas line 289

public function TDOMNode.HasAttributes: Boolean; virtual;

Function result

True when the Attribute list is not empty.


HasAttributes is a Boolean function which indicates if the DOM node attribute names and/or values. HasAttributes implements the method defined for the DOM Node interface in the DOM Level 2 Specification.

The return value is True when a TDOMNamedNodeMap has been assigned for the node, and it has a non-zero value in its Length (or Count) property.

Remark: HasAttributes always returns False in TDOMNode, and is overridden in descendent classes which implement a DOM node specialization.

See also



Indicates if the Attributes property contains DOM Attribute nodes.



Provides indexed access to Attributes and their value as a String.



Gets the value for the AttribStrings property.



Sets the value in the AttribStrings property.



Implements the NamedNodeMap interface in the DOM specification.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home