[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'Laz2_XMLRead' (#lazutils)


Values that control how XML content is stored in a DOM sub-tree.


Source position: laz2_xmlread.pas line 105

type TXMLContextAction = (

  xaAppendAsChildren = 1,


DOM Fragment is appended as child nodes.



DOM Fragment replaces child nodes.



DOM Fragment is inserted before child nodes.



DOM Fragment is appended after child nodes.



DOM Fragment replaces child nodes.



TXMLContextAction is an enumeration type with values that control how XML content is stored in the DOM sub-tree for a specified context. TXMLContextAction represents the value passed as an argument to the TDOMParser.ParseWithContext method.

See also



Parses the XML input source into the specified DOM context Node.

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