[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'Laz2_XMLRead' (#lazutils)


Set type used to store options enabled when reading XML content.


Source position: laz2_xmlread.pas line 40

type TXMLReaderFlags = set of (



Indicates the < character is allowed in attribute values.



Indicates control characters and reserved XML characters are allowed in XML attribute values. Please note that enabling (and using) this option can result in an XML document that is technically not valid. Null characters are never allowed in an XML document. Controls characters are allowed in XML 1.1, but must be encoded - which this flag circuments.



Indicates if '--' is allowed in an XML comment.



Indicates whitespace is preserved when reading XML content.



TXMLReaderFlags is a set type used to store zero or more values from the TXMLReaderFlag enumeration. TXMLReaderFlags is the type passed as an argument to the ReadXMLFile, ReadXMLFragment, and ReadDTDFile routines.

See also



Represents options enabled when reading XML content.



Reads the content of an XML file into the specified XML document.



Reads an XML fragment into the specified DOM Node.



Reads and stores a DTD file into the specified XML document.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home