[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LazFileUtils' (#lazutils)


Determines if the specified path delimiter character is not used on the system.


Source position: lazfileutils.pas line 98

function CheckPathDelim(

  const OldPathDelim: string;

  out Changed: Boolean





Value to compare to the current path delimiter for the system.



True if path delimiters were changed to match the platform.

Function result

Enumeration value indicating the path delimiter substitution required.


CheckPathDelim is a TPathDelimSwitch function used to determine if a specified path delimiter character is not the one used for the platform or environment running the application. The return value contains an TPathDelimSwitch enumeration value that indicates the path delimiter character notation that does not meet the requirements for the host.

CheckPathDelim compares the value in OldPathDelim to the current PathDelim character for the system. When they are different, the return value is set to reflect the delimiter character in use in OldPathDelim. If they are the same, the return value is set to pdsNone indicating that path delimiter substitutions are not needed.

Changed is a Boolean output parameter that indicates if the value in OldPathDelim does not match the current path delimiter in use on the system running the application. Changed contains False when the current path delimiter matches the value in OldPathDelim.

See also



Replaces path delimiters in a file path with the specified delimiter.



Ensures that path delimiters in the specified file name are correct for the current platform or OS.



Determines if the current path delimiter matches the specified path delimiter notation.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home