[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LazFileUtils' (#lazutils)


Compares the extension in a file name to a given value and returns the relative order.


Source position: lazfileutils.pas line 35

function CompareFileExt(

  const Filename: string;

  Ext: string;

  CaseSensitive: Boolean


function CompareFileExt(

  const Filename: string;

  const Ext: string





File name for the comparison.



File extension for the comparison.



True if case sensitive comparison is needed.

Function result

Relative sort order for the compared values.




File name for the comparison.



File extension for the comparison.


CompareFileExt is an overloaded Integer function used to compare the file extension in Filename to the value in Ext.

FilenameM contains the file name with the extension compared in the routine.

Ext contains the file extension for the comparison. It may contain the '.' character, but it is not required and will be removed for the comparison.

CaseSensitive indicates whether case is used in the comparison. When CaseSensitive contains True, CompareStr is called to perform the comparison. Otherwise, CompareText is called to compare the values.

The return value indicates the order for the file name extension relative to the specified extension. It may contain one of the following values:

Filename value has a lower sort order value than Ext
Filename and Ext have the same sort order values
Filename value has a higher sort order value than Ext

The return value is 1 if Filename does not contain a file extension.

The overloaded variant which omits the CaseSensitive argument defaults to the setting for the CaseInsensitiveFilenames compiler define on the platform. When defined, the CaseSensitive argument defaults to False. Otherwise, True is used in the parameter value.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home