[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LazFileUtils' (#lazutils)


Compares file names using the number characters in common.


Source position: lazfileutils.pas line 31

function CompareFilenameStarts(

  const Filename1: string;

  const Filename2: string





First file name for the comparison.



Second file name for the comparison.

Function result

Relative sort order for the compared values.


CompareFilenameStarts is an Integer function used to compare the specified file names to determine their relative sort order. Arguments in Filename1 and Filename2 do not need to be the same length. When they have different lengths, the number of characters common to both are used in the comparison. CompareFilenameStarts calls CompareFileNames to perform the comparison, and get the return value for the function.

See CompareFilenames for more information about the numeric return value and its meaning.

See also



Gets the relative sort order for the specified file names.

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