[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LazFileUtils' (#lazutils)


Indicates if the specified file has a descriptor or handle on the local file system.


Source position: lazfileutils.pas line 53

function FileIsHardLink(

  const AFilename: string





File name examined in the routine.

Function result

True when file information can be accessed by its descriptor or handle.


FileIsHardLink is a Boolean function used to determine if the specified file name is represented by a file descriptor or handle on the local file system.

The implementation of FileIsHardLink is platform- or OS-specific. For UNIX-like environments, a file handle is retrieved by calling the FileOpenUTF8 function and passed to the FpFStat function to access the file information. For the Windows platform (excluding WinCE and Windows XP), the GetFileInformationByHandle Windows API routine is called to get information for the file handle. For the Amiga platform, FileIsHardLink always returns False.

The return value is False if a file handle could not be accessed for the specified file name or it is actually a symbolic link on the local file system.

See also



Opens the specified file name and returns its file handle.


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