[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LazFileUtils' (#lazutils)


Indicates if the specified path uses Universal Naming Convention (UNC).


Source position: lazfileutils.pas line 161

function IsUNCPath(

  const Path: string





Path examined in the function.

Function result

True when the path contains UNC notation.


IsUNCPath is a Boolean function which indicates is the specified path uses Universal Naming Convention (UNC).

The implementation of IsUNCPath is platform- and/or OS-specific. For the Windows platform, IsUNCPath checks Path to see if it begins with the double backslash notation used for a UNC path. For example:


For UNIX-like environments, as well as the Amiga platform, the return value is always False. UNC paths are not used on those platforms.

Use ExtractUNCVolume to get host and path information from a file name expressed using UNC notation.

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