[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LazFileUtils' (#lazutils)


Implements the event handler for a file with an invalid file state.


Source position: lazfileutils.pas line 190

var OnInvalidateFileStateCache: TInvalidateFileStateCacheEvent = Nil;


OnInvalidateFileStateCache is a TInvalidateFileStateCacheEvent variable which implements the event handler signalled for a file with an invalid file state. OnInvalidateFileStateCache allows an application to respond to the event notification for a specific file. OnInvalidateFileStateCache is signalled when InvalidateFileStateCache is called by routines that perform file manipulation.

OnInvalidateFileStateCache is significant for UNIX-like environments only, such as Linux and Amiga. OnInvalidateFileStateCache is not used in Windows environments.

See also



Specifies the event signalled for an invalid file state in the file cache.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home