[Overview][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'LazUTF16' (#lazutils)

Reference for unit 'LazUTF16'

Contains routines used for UTF-16 character and string operations.







Number of characters (codepoints) to get from the string.


lazutf16.pas includes string routines which are based on UTF-16 implementations, although it might also include routines for other encodings.

A UTF-16 based implementation for LowerCase, for example, is faster in WideString and UnicodeString then the default UTF-8 implementation.

Currently this unit includes only UTF8LowerCaseViaTables which is based on a UTF-16 table, but it might be extended to include various UTF-16 routines.

lazutf16.pas is part of the LazUtils package.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home