[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LazUTF8' (#lazutils)


Indicates if the OS requires use of AnsiToUTF8 and UTF8ToAnsi for the RTL.


Source position: lazutf8.pas line 41

function NeedRTLAnsi: Boolean;

Function result

True when the system encoding is not UTF-8.


NeedRTLAnsi is a Boolean function that indicates if the OS requires use of AnsiToUTF8 and UTF8ToAnsi for the RTL. AnsiToUTF8 and UTF8ToAnsi need a widestring manager under Linux, BSD, and Mac OSX. Normally these OS's use UTF-8 as the system encoding so the WideStringManager is not needed.

For the Windows environment, NeedRTLAnsi is True if the default system code page is not CP_UTF8. For UNIX-like environments, NeedRTLAnsi is True when any of the LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES, or LANG environment variables contain a language code other than UTF-8.

See also


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