[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LazUTF8' (#lazutils)


Converts the specified command line parameter to a UTF-8-encoded string.


Source position: lazutf8.pas line 63

function ParamStrUTF8(

  Param: Integer





Ordinal position of the command line parameter.

Function result

UTF-8-encoded value for the command line parameter.


ParamStrUTF8 is a String function used to convert the specified command line parameter to a UTF-8-encoded string. The implementation for ParamStrUTF8 is OS- or platform-specific. For UNIX-like environments, SysToUTF8 is called to convert the value for the command line parameter at the position in Param. For Windows platforms like WinCE, the stub for the Ansi or WideString version of ParamStr is called.

See also



Converts strings (and format settings) from the system codepage to UTF-8.

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