[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LazUTF8' (#lazutils)


Tries to find the start of a valid UTF-8 codepoint in a string.


Source position: lazutf8.pas line 98

function Utf8TryFindCodepointStart(

  AString: PChar;

  var CurPos: PChar;

  out CodepointLen: Integer


function Utf8TryFindCodepointStart(

  const AString: string;

  var Index: Integer;

  out CharLen: Integer





Pointer to the string to examine in the function.



Pointer to the first position in the string examined in the function.



Number of bytes in the codepoint, or 0 when invalid.

Function result

True when the bytes at the specified position are a valid UTF-8 codepoint.




Pointer to the string to examine in the function.



Initial position in the string examined in the function.



Number of bytes required for the UTF-8 codepoint.


Utf8TryFindCodepointStart is a Boolean function which tries to find the start of a valid UTF-8 codepoint at the specified position in AString.

The return value contains True if the bytes at the specified position are a valid UTF-8 codepoint (1 - 4 bytes). When the return value is True, the value in CurPos is updated to contain the position in AString where the UTF-8 codepoint begins. Otherwise, the value in CurPos is unchanged. Please note, when CurPos points beyond the end of AString you will get a crash!

Remark: UTF8CodepointStrictSize will NOT "look" beyond the terminating #0 in a PChar, so this is safe with AnsiString values.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home