[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LazUTF8' (#lazutils)


Converts the specified string to uppercase using Unicode case mapping rules.


Source position: lazutf8.pas line 127

function UTF8UpperCase(

  const AInStr: string;

  const ALanguage: string = ''





Values to convert in the function.



Language code for the operation.

Function result

Uppercase values for the specified string.


UTF8UpperCase is a String function used to convert the UTF-8-encoded value in AInStr to its uppercase equivalent. UTF8UpperCase uses Unicode Data as defined at the Unicode.org website . The conversion is performed using the Case Mapping Rules defined here .

ALanguage indicates the language code to use for the conversion. ALanguage should be specified using ISO 639-1 format, which uses 2 characters to represent each language. If the language has no code in ISO 639-1, then the 3-chars code from ISO 639-2 should be used. For example: "tr"for the Turkish language locale. Special handling is provided in the function for Turkish ('tr') and Azeri ('az') language codes.ALanguage can be set to an empty string ('') for maximum speed in the conversion.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home