[Overview][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'UTF8Process' (#lazutils)

Reference for unit 'UTF8Process'

Implements a version of the FCL TProcess component that allows UTF-8-encoded arguments.







Miscellaneous routines, types, and classes for manipulating files, file names, and paths.



Contains types, procedures, and functions used for file and directory operations.



Number of characters (codepoints) to get from the string.



Resource strings used in the LazUtils package.


utf8process.pp implements the TProcessUTF8 component which provides a TProcess descendant that allows UTF-8-encoded values in its properties. The TProcessUTF8 component is added to the System tab in the Lazarus IDE Component Palette.

utf8process.pp is part of the LazUtils package.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home