[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ColorBox' (#lcl)


TColor used for the clNone color constant.


Source position: colorbox.pas line 90

public property TCustomColorBox.NoneColorColor : TColor
  read FNoneColorColor
  write SetNoneColorColor
  default clBlack;


NoneColorColor is a TColor property with the color value used for the clNone color constant.

Like clDefault, clNone does not have any meaning without a context where it is applied. Its actual value is different for Forms, Buttons, Windows, etc. This property allows clNone to be resolved to an actual TColor value when needed.

The default value for the property is clBlack.

Changing the value for the property causes the control to be redrawn.

NoneColorColor is used in the DrawItem method to resolve the clNone color constant when drawing items in the control.

Use DefaultColorColor for the TColor value used for the clDefault color constant.

Use Style to include or exclude the clDefault and clNone color constants in the Colors for the control.

See also



Provides indexed access to the TColor value for items in the control.



TColor used for the clDefault color constant.



Settings which determine the colors available in the control and their display style.



Draws an item in the combo-box control.

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