[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ColorBox' (#lcl)


The TColor value for the selected item in the combo-box control.


Source position: colorbox.pas line 88

public property TCustomColorBox.Selected : TColor
  read GetSelected
  write SetSelected
  default clBlack;


Selected is a TColor property with the color for the selected item in combo-box control. The default value for the property is clBlack.

Selected contains the value in Colors found at the position in ItemIndex. If ItemIndex is -1 (for no selection) or the handle for the control has not been assigned, the existing TColor value in the member is returned as the property value.

Setting a new value for the property causes the values in Colors to be searched, and the ItemIndex is set to the location for the color value. If the new value is not in Colors, ItemIndex is set to -1. The inherited Change method is called to signal the OnChange event handler (when assigned).

See also



Provides indexed access to the TColor value for items in the control.



Color type used by most LCL drawing functions.



The index of the currently selected item, or -1 if none is selected.



Signals the OnChange event handler when the value for the control is changed.



Event handler signalled for user changes to the text in the edit box.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home