[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ComboEx' (#lcl)


Sets type used to store TAutoCompleteOption values.


Source position: comboex.pas line 42

type TAutoCompleteOptions = set of (



Enables auto-suggest.



Enables auto-appending items to the combo-box.



Enables searching items for the current value in the edit control.



Enables prefixes in the filter for the control.



Enables Tab key navigation in the control.



Enables toggling the visibility of the drop down using Up and Down cursor keys.



Enables Right-to-Left text rendering (BiDi Mode) in the control.



TAutoCompleteOptions is a set type used to store zero or more values from the TAutoCompleteOption enumeration. TAutoCompleteOptions is the type used to implement the AutoCompleteOptions property in TCustomComboBoxEx and TComboBoxEx. When an enumeration value is included in the set type, the corresponding feature enabled. When the value is excluded, the feature is disabled.

See also



Enumerated type with values representing the auto-complete options used in TComboBoxEx.



Contains settings for auto-complete features enabled in the control.



Contains settings for auto-complete features enabled in the control.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home