[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ComboEx' (#lcl)


Specifies the width for images displayed in the control.


Source position: comboex.pas line 180

public property TCustomComboBoxEx.ImagesWidth : Integer
  read FImagesWidth
  write SetImagesWidth
  default 0;


ImagesWidth is an Integer property used to specify the width for Images displayed in the extended combo-box control. The property value is the image size used at the design-time display density (PPI). The value may be adjusted in the DrawItem method to a scaled value relative to the PPI setting for the current Font in the control. The scaled value determines the image resolution requested when accessing the Images assigned for the control.

The default value for the property is zero (0) and indicates that an explicit value has not been assigned for the property.

Changing the value for the property causes the Invalidate method to be called to refresh the control.

See also



Contains images which can be displayed for items defined in the ItemsEx property.



Draws an item in the control.



The font to be used for text display in this control.



Schedules a repaint request.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home