[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ComCtrls' (#lcl)


Collection with the column definitions for the list view control (size, alignment, image index, etc.).


Source position: comctrls.pp line 1573

protected property TCustomListView.Columns : TListColumns
  read FColumns
  write SetColumns;


Columns is a TListColumns property which contains the column definitions for the list view control. The TListItem instances in the collection contain information about the caption for the column header, column width, image, and sort indicator value. Assigning a new collection to the property causes the designer for the parent form to be updated at design-time.

Column is significant when the ViewStyle for the control is set to vsReport. Report view is the only style where the columns are used or displayed. Set the value in ShowColumnHeaders to True to display the column header defined in the collection.

Columns are used at run-time to handle column click notifications and changes to the sort indicator. Use AutoSort, AutoSortIndicator, SortColumn, SortType, and SortDirection to access or maintain values for items in the collection.

The Count property in Columns also provides the value for the ColumnCount property in the list view control.

Use the indexed Column property to access a column definition by its ordinal position in the Columns collection.

Remark: The Columns property is not supported for the GTK2 widgetset.

See also



Sets one of ListView layouts: List (simple column), Report (few columns with full width), Icon (big icons), Small Icon (small icons, 16x16).



The number of defined Columns for the control.



Provides indexed access to the columns defined for the control.



Ordinal position for the column used to sort the list items, or -1 when not assigned.



Controls automatic updates to the sort column and order indicator for the control.



Indicates if the control automatically changes the column and/or order indicator when a column is clicked.



Resizes the last visible column to fill the remaining display area for the control.



A collection for TListColumn instances defined for a multi-column list view control.



Represents an individual column in a multi-column list control.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home