[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ComCtrls' (#lcl)


Collapses all tree nodes on the tree view control.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 3705

public procedure TCustomTreeView.FullCollapse;


FullCollapse is a method used to collapse all of the nodes on the tree view control. It calls the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods to reduce the number of updates performed for the control while the tree nodes are being collapsed.

FullCollapse visits all top-level tree nodes in the Items property and calls their Collapse methods. Recursion is enabled when Collapse is called, so descendent tree nodes are also collapsed. Top-level nodes are still visible, but are displayed in the Collapsed state.

FullCollapse calls the GetFirstNode method in Items to locate the first tree node collapsed in the method. The GetNextSibling method in the tree node is called to determine the next tree node processed in the method.

Use Collapse to display a specific tree node on the tree view control in the collapsed state.

Use FullExpand to expand all of the tree nodes on the tree view control.

See also



Performs actions needed when the specified tree node is collapsed.



Expands the specified tree node and updates the scroll bars for the control.



Expands all tree nodes on the tree view control.



Collapses the current tree node, and optionally collapses any descendent nodes.



Expands the current tree node, and optionally all descendent nodes.



True if the node has been expanded, False when collapsed.



Returns the next node in the tree hierarchy at the same level as the current node.



Gets the first tree node in the container.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home