[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ComCtrls' (#lcl)


Image list which holds icons for the tree nodes in Items.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 3746

public property TCustomTreeView.Images : TCustomImageList
  read FImages
  write SetImages;


Images is a TCustomImageList property with the bitmaps drawn for tree nodes in the Items property. The bitmap is displayed to the left of the display text for a tree node. Use the ImageIndex property in a TTreeNode instance to specify which image is drawn for the value in Items.

Assigning a new image list to the property causes image change links and free notifications to be updated for the class instance. The control is redrawn when the new property value is assigned.

Use ImagesWidth to read or write the horizontal size for the bitmaps in Images.

Use StateImages to access the bitmaps drawn as state indicators for the tree nodes in Items.

Images is used in the DoPaintNode method when visible entries in Items are drawn on the control.

See also



Width for the Images used in the tree view control.



Image list with the bitmaps used to represent the state for nodes in the tree.



Width for the bitmaps in the StateImages property.



Renders the specified tree node to the canvas for the control.



Ordinal position for the image displayed for the node, or -1 when no image is assigned.

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