[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ComCtrls' (#lcl)


Indicates whether a node keeps its child nodes when it is collapsed.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 3751

public property TCustomTreeView.KeepCollapsedNodes : Boolean
  read GetKeepCollapsedNodes
  write SetKeepCollapsedNodes;


KeepCollapsedNodes is a Boolean property which indicates whether a tree node keeps its child nodes when the node is collapsed. When set to False (the default value), a tree node will free it child nodes when the node is collapsed.

KeepCollapsedNodes is assigned to the corresponding property in Items, and made available to TTreeNode instances in the container using their Owner property.

Changing the property value causes Options and Items to be updated. When set to True, tvoKeepCollapsedNodes is included in Options. Otherwise, tvoKeepCollapsedNodes is excluded from Options. The new value for the property is assigned to the KeepCollapsedNodes property in Items.

KeepCollapsedNodes is used in the DoExpand method in TTreeNode when the node is being collapsed.

See also



The set of options enabled in the tree view control.



KeepCollapsedNodes - if True, preserves the nodes that have been collapsed.



Collapses the current tree node, and optionally collapses any descendent nodes.



Expands the current tree node, and optionally all descendent nodes.



TTreeViewOption - enumerated type containing the permissible values for Options in TreeViews.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home