[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ComCtrls' (#lcl)


Handles key down events for the control.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 3599

protected procedure TCustomTreeView.KeyDown(

  var Key: Word;

  Shift: TShiftState

); override;




Virtual key code examined in the method.



Shift, Ctrl, Alt modifier for the key code.


KeyDown is an overridden method in TCustomTreeView which handles key down events for the control.

Key contains the virtual key code examined in the method.

Shift is the Shift, Alt, Ctrl modifier for the key code.

KeyDown calls the inherited method on entry. KeyDown ensures that the following Key codes are handled in the method:

Moves to the next node in the tree. Shift+Down includes the next node in the Selections property.
Moves to the previous node in the tree. Shift+Up includes the next node in the Selections property.
Moves to the tree node at the top of the visible area. Shift+Home includes an affected range of nodes in the Selections property.
Moves to the tree node at the bottom of the visible area. Shift+End includes an affected range of nodes in the Selections property.
Moves the first node on the previous page for the control. Shift+PageUp includes an affected range of nodes in the Selections property.
VK_NEXT (PageDn)
Moves the first node on the next page for the control. Shift+PageDn includes an affected range of nodes in the Selections property.
Collapses the current node (when expanded) and moves to the parent node.
Expands the current node (when needed), or moves to the next expanded node in the tree.
VK_ADD (NumPad Plus)
Expands the current node. Shift includes the node in a multi-selection range when enabled in Options.
VK_SUBTRACT (NumPad Minus)
Collapses the current node. Shift removes the node from a multi-selection range when enabled in Options.
Calls BeginEditing for the Selected node if the control is not ReadOnly.

If the key event is handled in the method, Key is set to VK_UNKNOWN.

See also



Signals OnKeyDown event handlers (when assigned).

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