[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ComCtrls' (#lcl)


Multi-selection options enabled for the tree view control.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 3752

public property TCustomTreeView.MultiSelectStyle : TMultiSelectStyle
  read FMultiSelectStyle
  write SetMultiSelectStyle
  default DefaultMultiSelectStyle;


MultiSelectStyle is a TMultiSelectStyle property which contains multi-selection options enabled for the tree view control. Values in the set type determine which nodes are available to be multi-selected, and the keys used to select them. The default value for the property is defined in the DefaultMultiSelectStyle constant, and enables use of the Ctrl key to add a tree node to a multi-selection.

See TMultiSelectStyles for the available values and their meanings.

Changing the value in MultiSelectStyle causes the new property value to be validated. If an empty set ([]) is assigned, the default value in DefaultMultiSelectStyle is used instead. There must be at least one TMultiSelectStyles enumeration value in the set type.

Use the Options property to enabled multi-selection by including the value tvoAllowMultiselect.

Values in MultiSelectStyle are used when the MouseDown method handles a click on the text or icon for a tree node.

See also



Handles mouse down events for the tree view control.



The container with the TTreeNode instances for the control.



The set of options enabled in the tree view control.



Adds nodes relative the specified node to the multi-selection list.



Represents available multi-select styles.



Set type used to store value(s) from TMultiSelectStyles.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home