[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ComCtrls' (#lcl)


Event handler signalled to get the class reference used to create new tree nodes.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 3651

protected property TCustomTreeView.OnCreateNodeClass : TTVCreateNodeClassEvent
  read FOnCreateNodeClass
  write FOnCreateNodeClass;


OnCreateNodeClass is signalled (when assigned) when the CreateNode method is executed for the tree view control.

OnCreateNodeClass occurs after the OnCustomCreateItem event handler has been signalled to get a TTreeNode for the purpose. If its return value is Nil, DoCreateNodeClass is called to signal OnCreateNodeClass. It is not signalled if a return value was assigned in the OnCustomCreateItem handler routine.

Sender contains the tree view control for the event handler.

NodeClass is used to return the class reference needed to create a new node for the control.

A new instance of the class type is created and added to the node collection in Items.

See also



CreateNode - creates a new node in a TreeView and returns its content.



Signals the OnCreateNodeClass event handler (when assigned).



The container with the TTreeNode instances for the control.



OnCustomCreateItem - event handler for custom item creation.



Adds or inserts a tree node as a sibling to a specified relative node.



Adds a node with the specified text and data at the same level as the sibling node.



Adds a child node with specified text and data to the parent node and returns the new node.



Adds a node with the specified text and data as the first node at the same level as the sibling node.



Adds a node with the specified text and data as the first child node in the parent node.



Creates or updates a tree node with the specified text and a pointer to data.



Implements a tree node displayed in a TTreeView control.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home