[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ComCtrls' (#lcl)


Event handler signalled when EndEditing is called for the control.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 3659

protected property TCustomTreeView.OnEditingEnd : TTVEditingEndEvent
  read FOnEditingEnd
  write FOnEditingEnd;


OnEditingEnd is a TTVEditingEndEvent property with the event handler signalled when the node editor for the tree view control is deactivated or reset. It is signalled (when assigned) from the EndEditing method, which occurs during node selection or scrolling and when a tree node calls its EndEdit method.

Arguments to the event handler include:

The object instance (TCustomTreeView) for the event.
The tree node which was edited on the control.
A Boolean value which indicates if the editing is being cancelled. False generally indicates that editing is being reset due to selection or scrolling of tree nodes on the control.

Use OnEditingEnd to perform any action needed that result from the editing action or the node editor reset.

See also



Updates the specified tree node and hides editor.



Ends editing of the tree node in the associated tree view control.



Specifies an event handler signalled when an edit action for a tree view control has been completed.

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