[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ComCtrls' (#lcl)


Represents a search mechanism used to locate the data for a list view item.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 1284

type TItemFind = (



Uses the Pointer to a data structure with the search values.



Uses a partial string match to locate a list item.



Uses an exact string match to locate a list item.



Locates the list item that is the nearest match to a value in a specified search direction.



TItemFind is the type passed as an argument to TLVDataFindEvent and used to implement the OnDataFind event handler in TCustomListView.

See also



Event handler signalled to locate list item data when OwnerData (virtual) mode is enabled.



Specifies an event handler used to locate a list view item using the specified search parameters and criteria.

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