[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBCtrls' (#lcl)


Provides access to the dataset with content for the control.


Source position: dbctrls.pp line 778

public property TCustomDBComboBox.DataSource : TDataSource
  read GetDataSource
  write SetDataSource;


DataSource is a TDataSource property which provides access to the content for the data-aware control. DataSource is used in conjunction with the Field property to determine the dataset and field definition used when reading the value for the control.

Read and write access to the property value is redirected to the DataSource property in the internal TFieldDataLink instance used in the control. Assigning a new value to the property causes the ChangeDataSource routine to be called to apply the value to the internal TFieldDataLink instance.

Use the DataField property to specify the field name accessed in the linked dataset.

See also



The name of the Field which provides the values displayed in the control.



FieldName - the name of the attached field, stored as a string.



Performs actions needed when the datasource in a control with the specified data link is changed.



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