[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBCtrls' (#lcl)


Ensures the internal TDBLookup instance is updated when the control is used in "unbound" mode.


Source position: dbctrls.pp line 868

protected procedure TDBLookupComboBox.DoAutoCompleteSelect; override;


DoAutoCompleteSelect is an overridden method in TDBLookComboBox which re-implements the virtual method from the ancestor class. It does not call the inherited method.

DoAutoCompleteSelect ensures that the dataset for the ListSource is re-positioned when the value in ItemIndex has been changed. This includes calling the UpdateData method for the internal TDBLookup instance when the control is used in "unbound" mode (without a DataSource or DataField).

DoAutoCompleteSelect is called when the KeyUp method handles an alphanumeric key entered while the auto-complete feature has been enabled in AutoCompleteText.

See also



UpdateData - copies the local data from the corresponding entry from the lookup field.



Signals the OnUpdateData event handler for pending changes to the linked dataset.



Selects an item in the control when auto-complete is enabled and activated by a key event.



Options for the behavior of the Auto-Complete feature.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home