[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBCtrls' (#lcl)


ListField is the name of the field containing the list data displayed in the control.


Source position: dbctrls.pp line 938

published property TDBLookupComboBox.ListField : string
  read GetListField
  write SetListField;


ListField is a String property which contains the name of the field in the lookup dataset with the values displayed in the drop-down for the combo-box control. Read and write access for the property value are redirected to the ListField in the internal TDBLookup instance used in the class. Setting a new value for the property causes the internal TFieldDataLink in the class to be refreshed, and results in a change to the ItemIndex and the current value for the control.

Use ListSource to assign the component which provides access to the lookup dataset for the control.

Use KeyField to specify the field in the lookup dataset stored in DataField when an item is selected in the data-aware control.

Use ListFieldIndex to get the ordinal position in the lookup dataset for current value in the control.

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