[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBCtrls' (#lcl)


Provides access to the field definition for the data-aware control.


Source position: dbctrls.pp line 1023

public property TDBMemo.Field : TField
  read GetField;


Field is a read-only TField property which provides access to the field definition to which the data-aware control is linked. Read access for the property is redirected to the Field property in the internal TFieldDataLink class instance. The value in Field is updated when a new value is assigned to the Field in the TFieldDataLink instance.

Use DataField to read or write the field name used for the data-aware control. Use DataSource to specify the component with the dataset containing the specified field name.

See also



The name of the field, as a string (i.e. cannot be referred to as an Index).



Provides access to the dataset with content for the control.



The Field to which the datalink is attached.



FieldName - the name of the attached field, stored as a string.


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