[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBCtrls' (#lcl)


Updates the linked dataset to reflect the current radio button selected in the control.


Source position: dbctrls.pp line 586

protected procedure TDBRadioGroup.UpdateRadioButtonStates; override;


UpdateRadioButtonStates is an overridden method in TDBRadioGroup used to update the the linked dataset for the data-aware control when the value in ItemIndex has been changed.

UpdateRadioButtonStates ensures that the Value for the radio button in ItemIndex is applied to the linked dataset when it can be modified. The Edit and Modified methods in DataLink are called to place the linked dataset in an edit state. Value is updated to apply the new content to the field in the linked dataset.

If the dataset cannot be modified, the DataChange method is called directly to update the control. Value is changed to 'X' character to indicate that the linked dataset could not be modified.

See also



The value for the selected radio button in the control.



Provides access to properties, methods, and events for the data-aware control.



Updates the class when the linked dataset enters an edit state.



Edit - if the field can be modified, performs inherited Edit and shows editing status.



UpdateRadioButtonStates including any pending changes.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home