[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBGrids' (#lcl)


Default method used to drawing a cell at the specified location.


Source position: dbgrids.pas line 433

protected procedure TCustomDBGrid.DefaultDrawCell(

  aCol: Integer;

  aRow: Integer;

  aRect: TRect;

  aState: TGridDrawState





Column number for the cell.



Row number for the cell.



Display rectangle for the specified cell.



Drawing style for the cell background.


DefaultDrawCell is a procedure that provides the default method for drawing a cell at the specified location using different cell types. DefaultDrawCell draws the background for the cell with the specified drawing state. For a cell which appears in a fixed row or column, the text for the cell is also drawn.

When the DataSet for the grid control has rows, the Field for the specified column is retrieved and the cell is drawn using its column editor style. For check box columns, the DrawCheckBoxBitmaps is called. For columns with a button-style editor, the DrawButtonCell method is used. For Fields with a ftMemo data type, the CheckDisplayMemo method is called to determine whether the content in the memo or the DisplayText for the column definition is drawn. Finally, the DrawCellText method is called to draw the specified cell using its state and value.

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