[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBGrids' (#lcl)


DrawCell renders the specified grid cell using the specified drawing state.


Source position: dbgrids.pas line 448

protected procedure TCustomDBGrid.DrawCell(

  aCol: Integer;

  aRow: Integer;

  aRect: TRect;

  aState: TGridDrawState

); override;




Column number for the cell.



Row number for the cell.



Rectangle where the cell is drawn.



Drawing state for the cell.


DrawCell is an overridden method in TCustomDBGrid. It re-implements the method introduced in the ancestor class, and does not call the inherited method.

DrawCell is used to render a cell at the specified coordinates with the specified drawing state. It calls PrepareCanvas to update the settings in the control Canvas to use the Color, Brush color and style, and Font typeface and style properties needed for the control.

DrawCell calls DefaultDrawCell when DefaultDrawing is enabled for the grid control. DrawCellBackground is called when DefaultDrawing has not been enabled.

The DrawCellGrid method is called to render the separator lines for the grid control prior to exit.

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