[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBGrids' (#lcl)


Draws the specified row in the grid control.


Source position: dbgrids.pas line 447

protected procedure TCustomDBGrid.DrawRow(

  ARow: Integer

); override;


DrawRow is an overridden procedure used to draw the specified row number in the grid control.

ARow contains the row number to be drawn and refers to an ordinal position relative to the FixedRows for the control. When ARows contains a value that would be in the FixedRows the state flags that track drawing an active record or multi-selection are reset. DrawRow also requires that DataLink refer to an active dataset. No actions are performed in the method if these conditions are not satisfied.

DrawRow sets the active record in DataLink for selected rows in the control and updates the DrawingActiveRecord and DrawingMultiSelRecord flags as needed. The Options property must include the value dgMultiSelect to enable drawing of multiple selections in the control.

DrawRow calls the inherited method to perform any actions implemented in the ancestor class.

See also



Draws the columns for the specified row in the grid control.

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