[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBGrids' (#lcl)


LayoutChanged links columns to Fields and inserts any required automatic columns.


Source position: dbgrids.pas line 493

protected procedure TCustomDBGrid.LayoutChanged; virtual;


LayoutChanged is a virtual procedure used to link Columns to the Fields which read and write the values used in the control. LayoutChanged calls the TDBGridColumns.LinkFields method establish the column-to-field association. If Columns have not been explicitly defined the AddAutomaticColumns method is called to add a column for each Field in the linked dataset.

LayoutChanged calls the BeginLayout and EndLayout methods to minimize the number of times the OnLayoutChange event is signalled during updates to the control.

LayoutChanged performs no actions when ComponentState indicates the control is being destroyed (contains csDestroying).

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home