[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBGrids' (#lcl)


Event handler signalled to prepare the grid canvas for drawing a cell.


Source position: dbgrids.pas line 537

protected property TCustomDBGrid.OnPrepareCanvas : TPrepareDbGridCanvasEvent
  read FOnPrepareCanvas
  write FOnPrepareCanvas;


OnPrepareCanvas is a TPrepareDbGridCanvasEvent property that implements the event handler signalled to prepare the Canvas for drawing a cell in the grid. OnPrepareCanvas allows the application to provide custom settings in the Canvas for the Grid control. The Sender argument is the grid control, and can be used to access the Canvas or other properties in the component. Assign a procedure to the event handler to respond to the event notification.

OnPrepareCanvas is signalled from the DoPrepareCanvas method, and occurs when the row is not one of the FixedRows for the grid control.

See also



Prepares the canvas and signals the OnPrepareCanvas event handler.



Specifies an event handler which prepares the canvas for drawing a database grid.



Number of the fixed rows in the grid.

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