[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBGrids' (#lcl)


Event handler signalled when a row is moved on the grid control.


Source position: dbgrids.pas line 542

protected property TCustomDBGrid.OnRowMoved : TMovedEvent
  read FOnRowMoved
  write SetRowMoved;


OnRowMoved is a TMovedEvent property with the event handler signalled when a row is moved on the grid control. An application can implement and assign a handler routine to perform actions needed when a row is moved on the control. Arguments to the routine include the grid control, and the index positions for the relocated row and its new position when the move was completed.

When a routine is assigned to the property, the value goRowMoving is included in the Options property. If Nil is assigned to the property, goRowMoving is removed from the Options property.

OnRowMoved is signalled from the ColRowMoved method.

Use OnColumnMoved to perform actions needed when a column is moved on the grid control.

See also



Contains the optional features or behaviors that are enabled for the grid control.



Signals event handlers when a row or a column is moved in the grid control.



Event handler signalled when the order of a column is changed.



Stores values from the TDbGridOption enumeration.



Enumerated type containing options available for use in a database grid control.



Specifies an event handler signalled when the display order of rows or columns is changed.

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