[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DialogRes' (#lcl)


Gets the image list with glyph images used on dialogs.


Source position: dialogres.pas line 36

function DialogGlyphs: TDialogImageList;

Function result

Returns the TDialogImageList singleton defined in the implementation section.


DialogGlyphs is a TDialogImageList function which returns the image list with the glyphs used for dialog icons. DialogGlyphs is used to implement TTaskDialog and the DefaultPromptDialog routine.

DialogGlyphs replaces the deprecated GetDialogIcon routine in the dialogs.pp unit.

Image := TImage.Create(AOwner);
Image.Parent := AParent;
Image.Images := DialogGlyphs;
Image.ImageIndex := DialogGlyphs.DialogIcon[idDialogShield];
Image.Proportional := True;
Image.Stretch := True;
Image.StretchOutEnabled := False;
Image.Center := True;

See also



Implements a multi-resolution image list used for a dialog icon loaded from a resource file.



Widgetset-independent implementation of a prompt dialog.



Launches the task dialog form.

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