[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DialogRes' (#lcl)


Provides indexed access an image index for the dialog icon identified in AIndex.


Source position: dialogres.pas line 33

public property TDialogImageList.DialogIcon[AIndex: TDialogImage] : Integer
  read GetDialogIcon;


DialogIcon is a read-only Integer property used to get the ordinal position in internal storage where the image specified in AIndex is stored.

The AIndex argument is a value from the TDialogImage enumeration, and contains an identifier used to locate the corresponding image.

For example:

Image := TImage.Create(AOwner);
Image.Parent := AParent;
Image.Images := DialogGlyphs;
Image.ImageIndex := DialogGlyphs.DialogIcon[idDialogShield];
Image.Proportional := True;
Image.Stretch := True;
Image.StretchOutEnabled := False;
Image.Center := True;

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