[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Dialogs' (#lcl)


Set of common buttons displayed on the Task dialog.


Source position: dialogs.pp line 652

public property TCustomTaskDialog.CommonButtons : TTaskDialogCommonButtons
  read FCommonButtons
  write FCommonButtons
  default [tcbOk, tcbCancel];


CommonButtons is a TTaskDialogCommonButtons property with the set of common buttons displayed on the Task dialog. Values from the TTaskDialogCommonButton enumeration are included in the set to make buttons visible. Values are excluded from the set to remove the buttons. The default value for the property is [tcbOk, tcbCancel], and enables the OK and Cancel buttons for the Task dialog.

CommonButtons is used in conjunction with the Buttons collection, which contains custom button definitions that do not fit the common button definitions. Both CommonButtons and Buttons are used in DoExecute, and passed as arguments to the wrapper in LCLTaskDialog.

See also



Collection with the buttons for the Task dialog.



Performs actions to configure and execute the dialog using the wrapper in the LCLTaskDialog unit.



Displays the dialog and captures the modal result value.



Set type used to store values from TTaskDialogCommonButton.



Identifier used for common buttons visible on a Task dialog.



Implements a task dialog.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home