[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'EditBtn' (#lcl)


Performs actions when the Button for the control is clicked.


Source position: editbtn.pas line 257

protected procedure TCustomControlFilterEdit.BuddyClick; override;


BuddyClick is an overridden method used to perform actions needed when the Button for the control is clicked. It clears values in the Text and Filter properties, and gives focus to the Edit when FocusOnButtonClick is set to True. It calls the inherited method prior to exit.

See also



Contains the textual used to select the visible items in the associated control.



Indicates if the focus is changed to the Edit control after the Button is clicked.



Edit is the TEbEdit control used to perform direct input for the value in the grouped edit control.



String with the text or caption for the control.

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