[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'EditBtn' (#lcl)


TSpeedButton instance used on the edit control.


Source position: editbtn.pas line 105

protected property TCustomEditButton.Button : TSpeedButton
  read GetButton;


Button is a read-only TSpeedButton property with the Button displayed on edit control.

Use ButtonWidth, ButtonCaption, ButtonCursor, and ButtonHint to set the display attributes for the Button in the grouped edit control.

At run-time, Button is cast to the TEditSpeedButton type to access the default glyph name for the control. Use Glyph to assign a bitmap used as the glyph for the speed button. As an alternative, the Images property can be used along with ImageIndex and ImageWidth to define an image displayed on the Button.

Use the OnButtonClick event handler to implement the actions performed when the Button is clicked.

Use FocusOnButtonClick to define whether the Edit control receives focus when the Button is clicked.

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