[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ExtCtrls' (#lcl)


Color used to draw bevels for the panel.


Source position: extctrls.pp line 1122

public property TCustomPanel.BevelColor : TColor
  read FBevelColor
  write SetBevelColor
  default clDefault;


BevelColor is a TColor property that specifies the color used to draw bevels for the panel. BevelColor is used in the PaintBevel method; it is passed as an argument to Canvas drawing routines when BevelColor contains a value other than clDefault.

The default value for the property is clDefault. Changing the value in BevelColor causes the Invalidate to be called to repaint the control.

See also



Schedules a repaint request.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home