[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ExtCtrls' (#lcl)


Draws the content for the control.


Source position: extctrls.pp line 452

protected procedure TPaintBox.Paint; override;


Paint is an overridden procedure used to draw the control.

At design-time, a dashed black line is drawn around the area for the control and across its opposing corners. Color is used to paint the background for the control. No other actions are performed in the method at design-time.

At run-time, the OnPaint event handler is used to render the content for the control using the Font and Color properties. Their values are assigned to the Canvas for the control, and the inherited Paint method is called to signal the event handler.

See also



Event handler signalled to paint the control.



The font to be used for text display in this control.



The background color for the control.



A clipped window into the parent Canvas.



Implements the default handler used to draw the control.

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