[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Forms' (#lcl)


Defines where pop-up menus are shown.


Source position: forms.pp line 799

public property TCustomForm.PopupMode : TPopupMode
  read FPopupMode
  write SetPopupMode
  default pmNone;


PopupMode is a TPopupMode property which controls the display policy for pop-up forms. The default value for the property is pmNone. See TPopupMode for more information about the values and meanings in the enumeration.

Changing the value in PopupMode causes the value in PopupParent to be changed when the property is set to pmAuto or pmNone. At run-time, the widgetset class is notified of the change to the PopupParent property.

PopupMode is used in the implementation of the GetRealPopupParent and ShowModal methods.

See also



Parent form which owns the current form instance when displayed as a pop-up window.



Gets the form that is the effective parent for the pop-up, dialog, or splash screen.



Displays the form as a modal dialog.



Defines the handling performed for a parent window in forms and dialogs.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home